Tuesday, November 25, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

Favorite things about my early Thanksgiving celebration with the family:

-Playing Twister!

-Introducing Bill to the parentals, and knowing without a doubt that they genuinely like him. (Although, seriously... what's not to like?)

-Not having to cook a gosh-darn thing (other than a chocolate cream pie the previous night).

-Gin & Tonic, made by my dad... and this conversation:

Emilee: "Can I have someone's lime?"
Me: "Sure, Em. You can have mine."
Jenni: (AFTER, Emilee has put the lime into her mouth, of course) "You DO realize that lime has been soaking in alcohol, right?"

-Winning Trivial Pursuit with Jenni (and Bill)... against our far more knowledgeable parents.

-Being in a room filled to the brim with people I love.

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