Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gobble gobble gobble

Thanksgiving is coming early this year. On Saturday, to be exact. Since I don't have the kids for the actual Thanksgiving day, my family is gathering this weekend for an early celebration. At my little apartment. It will be crowded and loud and absolutely wonderful. Also, a little bit nerve-wracking, because I'm introducing Bill to my parents for the first time, and I want SO badly for them to like him. I would never tell him this, but they can be a bit picky. I think they've genuinely liked maybe three of four of my boyfriends in all the time that I've been dating (approximately 13 years now). And their opinion matters a lot. Don't get me wrong... I haven't broken up with anyone I was dating just because they didn't like or approve of the guy, but it has weighed heavily on my decision a few times. (Don't worry... I won't share any of this with Bill. He will be blissfully unaware.) And honestly, I think they're going to like him. He reminds me of my dad in a way, and he and my parents actually know some of the same people. So here's hoping...

And another thing... I think Mom and Dad are going to make me cook a little bit more of Thanksgiving dinner than they did last year. This could be scary.

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