Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm a little bit trepidatious about spending Thanksgiving day with a bunch of people I've never met before. Thanksgiving, for me, has always been a family holiday, and if I'm not spending it with MY family, I'm spending it with the family of a significant other.

This year, things are different. As we had my family dinner on Saturday (and we're STILL eating the leftovers. Oh my goodness, it is SO possible to get tired of turkey), I will be spending tomorrow with Bill. And his friends. And THEIR friends. I might know a total of 5 people there. And Bill has mentioned that there may be around 60. Since I don't generally thrive in large groups of people, this could be really, really interesting. And... it could be really, really fun.

So here's to a little bit of change.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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