Monday, November 17, 2008


Confession: I am a little bit addicted to the Twilight series. I fought it for a long time. A REALLY long time. Patrons and co-workers alike were telling me daily how wonderful the series was, and assuring me that, more than a vampire tale, it was a love story.

I didn't believe them.

But then one day, "Twilight" was returned to the library with a broken spine, and I thought, "Well, I might as well bring it home and give it a try now. No one will care if I have this copy out for months." Those of you who have read the books probably don't need to be told that I didn't take months to read it. Even with my busy schedule of work combined with single mom-hood, I still managed to devour it in just days. And I immediately wanted more. (Yay for sequels!)

I've just finished "New Moon" and I'm on the waiting list for "Eclipse." The problem? I'm three people down on the list. Which means a potential waiting time of at LEAST 4 weeks (and that's only IF the two people before me return the book on time.

I think I'd better start looking for another copy of the book. Because I'm not sure I can wait that long.

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