Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I don't know why I called it "voting day" yesterday, when I could have been intelligent and used the correct term. Chalk it up to the fact that it was Monday, and that my brain doesn't really start working again (after a weekend of laziness) until Tuesday.

So anyway, today we vote. Or, some of us do anyway. I'm heading over after work to cast my vote, and then I'm not going to talk to anyone about politics for a long, long time. Because it seems like, with this election more than any other, people get ANGRY when they're talking about the candidates. Like, ANGRY-ANGRY (I've actually heard an old lady berate a middle-aged man for his presidential candidate choice... and this was in the LIBRARY). Anyway, I don't do angry-angry. I do discussion, but I don't know enough about politics to argue about much of anything, so I'd really rather not even try. And since the rest of my family seems to consist of staunch Republicans, I really need to steer clear of any type of political discussion with them, period.

So, happy voting, everyone... just don't talk to me about it. =P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so awesome that you don't get ANGRY ANGRY because everyone on my side of the family did when big-mouth Vicki told them who I voted for. I've decided I'm never telling anyone who I vote for ever again!

Kudos for voting by the way. YAY!