Friday, November 14, 2008

Crafty... or... not.

I don't know if I've mentioned yet that the sisters and I are doing homemade Christmas gifts for each other this year, but we are. And I'm crazy-excited about it, but also a little bit nervous. The last time we did this (three years ago), I made scarves. I had just learned to knit, and was extremely proud to be able to create something warm and pretty for my sisters.

This year, I'm trying something a little bit more difficult. Not only am I knitting something for each of them, but I'm also making things that require ingredients! (Not food... don't worry). Anyway, I won't go into detail about what I'm making (yet), because I have this weird fear that one of my lovely sisters might happen upon this blog and I want my gifts to be a surprise. However, here's a picture of some of the things I'll need to put these presents together.

I'm gonna be a busy girl this month and next. Eesh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go ahead and say, "Crafty!!!" because that's really cool and not a lot of people could do that.