Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Clean clean clean (I hope)

We got this book in the library the other day. It's a story about a little boy whose toys kind of take over the entire house, until his mother finally decides that it's time for him to give some of them away. Of course, the little boy doesn't want to get rid of a single one.

The story reminded me so much of my own children, that I decided to bring it home and read it to them before starting on our own purging project. That project begins now. (Can you tell I'm procrastinating a bit?)

I leave you with a before picture, and hopefully there will be an "after" which shows that some progress was actually made.

However, I'll be working with a 5 and 7 year old who would rather be doing just about anything else on their day off from school, so I guess we'll see.

P.S. Happy Veteran's Day. And thank you thank you thank you to all those who fight and who have fought for our freedom.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck with your cleaning.

Thanks for popping over to my blog, too! Now I'm dying to know if we potentially know each other irl.