Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm gonna kick some Kindergarten BUTT

So when I picked Gavin up from daycare this afternoon, he had a big red mark on the side of his nose... right next to his eye. When I asked him what happened, he said he was playing volleyball (turns out it was actually dodgeball) in gym class, and that someone threw the ball and hit him in the face. I think it's probably illegal for me to go after the little snot who did that to him, but that doesn't mean I don't WANT to.

When I asked Gavin if he cried, he said, "Nope! I was a brave boy!" And of course that made ME want to bawl. How did my baby get to be such a big kid so quickly??


I went to JoAnn Fabrics this morning to pick out some things that I can't tell you guys about because they have to do with Christmas presents for my sisters, and one of them reads my blog on occasion.

Anyway... when I was signing the receipt, the cashier looked at my signature, and said, "Wow, you write really small." I nodded and smiled, because I get that all. the. time. But then she added, "You know, the size of your signature is supposed to be an indication of your self worth. So you should start writing bigger."

On-sale craft supplies AND a free psychological evaluation all in one trip... Score!

In addition, Bill brought me roses today. I haven't gotten flowers in... well, in a REALLY long time, so this is totally news-worthy. He also brought me bacon. (Yes, bacon.) And it was delicious. =)

The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flowers AND Bacon???? This guy is a keeper!!