Saturday, November 8, 2008

Shopaholic Takes On Kohl's

Omigosh, I love Kohl's. Late-ish last night, Jenni, Bill and I went shopping. Well, technically Jenni and I went shopping, and Bill watched... being very careful not to say anything negative about the things we were trying on. And I must say, he did an excellent job. With one small exception. I was trying on a belted blouse (Jenni told me not to use that word, but I am anyway. So THERE, Jenni) and Bill commented that he thought the belt was too high. (Bless his heart, the boy lives in Carhart, so I didn't actually take note of his worry about the height of the belt).

As we were checking out, the girl behind the register joked around with us, and gave us more of a discount than she was supposed to because we were basically the only customers in the store, and she was bored. Which means I bought 5 shirts and sweaters and one pair of black dress pants for a grand total of $63.00. Awesome.

And tonight, we're all off to Shea's house, to finish off the sister-boyfriend introductions.



Anonymous said...

That must have been so much fun! I miss you guys!

Gull said...

We miss you too. Lots.

Anonymous said...

I too love Kohls.!! Its my favorite store to shop in.

Gull said...

It definitely, DEFINITELY rocks. =)