Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Halleluja (or however you spell it)

Oh, lovely holidays. They're wonderful, but they make it pretty darn hard to return to work the next day. Oof.

Yesterday was more productive than I had planned for it to be. In the morning, the kids and I went over their bedroom with a fine-toothed comb, and apparently reading that picture book beforehand helped, because they were actually willing (WILLING!) to get rid of some of their toys. And the result, while not perfect, is SO much better. I can actually walk across the room without stepping on 356 toys on my way through. Definite success.

Afterwards, as a reward, we went to Funspot. Oodles of fun for the kids, tiring for me. But they totally deserved it.

And THEN, I made pork chops for dinner (a first for me, so they were nothing fancy), but I did make homemade applesauce to go along with them, so I was feeling quite proud of myself. And the kids ate every bite! Score!

I am thanking my lucky stars that I have a three-day weekend (with no plans whatsoever) coming up.

Phew phew phew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're too cute. Dinner sounds yummy. (I really need to go to Funspot again when I visit you guys. That place is really fun.)