Sunday, November 2, 2008

I already suck at NaBloPoMo. Just so you know.

Oh my. I already missed the first... what? Two days of NaBloPoMo. And even worse, I'm not even sure what day it is! I may have only missed one day, which would be SO much better. So yeah, let's go with that.

I don't want to bore you with Bill talk, but as we've spent the entire weekend together, that's really all I've got at the moment. I met his friends on Friday night, and they were funny and warm and kind and just plain delightful... much like Bill himself. I was nervous, but not as shy and quiet as I COULD have been. I introduced Bill to MY bff, but as Bill was a TEENSY bit drunk when that happened, we decided to have a re-meeting the following morning, so we met at Starbucks, and laughed over coffee and inappropriate text forwards. Ahhh, boys.

Aaaaanyway, I suppose I should post a picture of me in my lovely dress, shouldn't I? I think it will appear above, but on the off chance that I actually manage to get it where I want it, yay me!

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