Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Rain, rain, go away.

This morning in the car, Princess-pants informed me, "I put all my might into it... Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of might."

I totally love my 6 year-old.

She also told me that she would like a baby Michaela doll for Christmas, and that Michaela (which I'm probably spelling completely wrong) says over 80 different things. I've never even heard of this toy, but I already know that it is destined to annoy the crap out of me. Woot.

So it's raining. And cold. And dreary. And where'd I'd REALLY like to be right now is at home, in my pj's, watching the stack of movies piled up next to my tv that I NEVER have the time to watch when I'm actually at home. Or I could read one of the three books I've got going at the moment. I am SO not a fan of rain. Especially in November.

But I'm still wearing sandals.

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