Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Speak 'n Spell

I swear I am not a very judgemental person. However, there are a few things you could say to me that would automatically cause me to place your IQ at about 20 points lower than it probably actually is. And here they are:

1. Pronouncing "nuclear" like nuke-you-lar. Come on now.
2. "Anyways." It's "anyWAY." Without the "s."
3. Saying "li-barry," instead of "library." This one especially frosts my cookies, for some reason.
4. "Expresso," rather than "espresso." Brian is guilty of this one, and I totally want to pinch him every time he does it. (Then again, if I pinched Brian every time he misspelled or pronounced a word wrong, he'd be covered in bruises).

I know, I know... I'm a picky, horrible person, and besides that, it's not like MY grammar and spelling are always perfect.

Still... I'm allowed to have my pet peeves, right? Right.

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