Saturday, November 24, 2007


I am so very ready for a Christmas tree to take over my living room. Yes, I know it's, like, two days after Thanksgiving, and that if I get one now, it will probably be dead as a doornail by Christmas morning, but I don't actually care about that. I just want that sweet balsam smell in my house. Now.

So I think Brian and I (and Shaws Guy, if I can convince him that's something he needs to do) might go find a tree farm tomorrow, and chop one down. Ew, that sounds a little bit cruel, doesn't it? Sawing down a poor, innocent tree just so I can have a nice smell in my living room for a few weeks? Hmmm... might have to think this one over a little more... The thing is, that's what they're being grown specifically FOR, right? And what could be more holiday-ish than taking the kids to pick out their very own Christmas tree?

Ok, I've talked myself back into it.

Hooray for the holidays!

P.S. Shaws Guy's mom cooked pot roast for dinner last night. It was absolutely delicious and I did NOT fall asleep in it. Also, his family was wonderful. Double hooray!

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