Friday, November 23, 2007

Holy Day-After-Thanksgiving-Sales, Batman!

I am pooped.

In bed at 1:30 am (after a midnight snack of leftover Thanksgiving fare... oh so yummy), and up at 6 am to hit the Black Friday sales with my parents and sisters, I'm currently looking at my computer clock, which SAYS 3:26 pm, but which I KNOW can't be right, because it really feels more like, oh midnight or something riduculously late like that. I can barely keep my eyes open, but I HAVE to, because I am about to go meet Shaws Guy's parents for the first time, and I'd really like to not fall asleep in whatever his mother is cooking for dinner. That would be so not attractive, and I have a feeling it wouldn't make for the best first impression.

The good news is that as a product of today's little shopping spree, come Christmas morning I will be the favorite person of my children, as I managed to score a wicked cool scooter for each of them. Go, me!

Now, forgive me for the sad length of this post, but I feel the need to conch out for half an hour or so before I have to leave.


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