Friday, November 9, 2007


Yep, you guessed it. THAT was the word we messed up on. The word that lost the spelling bee for us. (Although, for the record, I had it spelled correctly on my little piece of paper, but told my boss to go with our other teammate's word because when it comes to spelling, I have low self-esteem, and assumed I couldn't possibly have it right.)

Anyway, I don't even care that we lost, because we actually made it farther than we've ever managed to make it in the bee (three whole rounds!). And even if it was by default, because we were the last team in the line-up, we were the first runners up! Yay, us!

I've been feeling like a star all day long. Even if Krutchy DID feel the need to send me this horribly sarcastic text message:

"Do they make spelling bee cards of you heroes?"

I'm pretty sure he's just jealous. =P

In completely unrelated news, the ex and I met with Princess-pants' teacher today for a conference, and we got to hear all kinds of glowing comments, which totally made my day. I love hearing what a cool person my child is. (Not that I didn't already know). ;o)

Happy loooooooong weekend!

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