Thursday, November 22, 2007

The fam

I love my family.

They're goofy and they're weird and they fart all the freaking time. (Seriously, you would think I served up beans and cabbage for Thanksgiving dinner, instead of turkey. Sheesh).

But they make me laugh harder than I laugh with just about anyone else. And they prove again and again that they are always THERE. You know, not just there. THERE.

And guess what else? They did pretty much all the cooking. Dad did make me stick my arm into the turkey, which, let me tell you, was no fun at all. But other than that, they did almost everything. Hey... maybe hosting Thanksgiving at your house means you're off the hook for the whole cooking thing, because people feel a little bit guilty. Like they should be helping a ton, since dinner's not happening at their house. Or something. Either way, it was awesome.

And Dad painted the Princess's toenails. I have the coolest dad ever. No joke.

So now I think I should take a shower and get ready for bed, because my family is being totally crazy and taking part in Black Friday tomorrow. And we're starting EARLY. Woot.

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