Sunday, August 3, 2008

Something smells fishy around here...

Ok, guys. It's time. I've been holding off long enough, but I've finally decided that it's about time for me to learn how to cook. As in, real food... not frozen stuff from boxes every single night. Because, in addition to being completely unhealthy, I look like the world's worst mother in the check-out line at the grocery store.

So I started with fish. Not that frozen Morton's stuff in the yellow box. Ohhhh no. I walked myself right up to the fish counter at Market Basket and ordered real live (ok, not live, live, because ew) FRESH haddock. That's right. It had never been frozen in its entire life. And I cooked it. And it was awesome. Not only did I cook it, but I also made broccoli (and celery sticks... that's TWO green vegetables) to go with it! Even my picky eater (that would be Gavin) gave it two thumbs up... and the best part? It wasn't even that hard to make!

I think I'll give chicken stir-fry a try next. =)

P.S. If any of you are interested (and you totally are, I just know it), the Muppets are going to be on the Disney channel tonight at 8. I know what I'LL be watching tonight. ;o)

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