Friday, August 8, 2008

Cleavage, for the win

Yesterday was weird.

For some reason, people were being especially friendly to me, and I couldn't figure out why. Not that people aren't generally cordial to me, it just seemed that they were being even more so than usual.

And then N's mom came to pick her up at work. Let me just take a second here to tell you that N's mom is totally awesome. She's very earthy and open-minded... the kind of person you'd want share your stories with, just because you know her take on them is going to be well thought-out and hilarious all at the same time. So anyway, we were chatting- about men and dating and the library- when she said this to me: "I keep focusing on your cleavage. There's just so much of it!"

Oops. See, the thing is (and I'm sure the one person who reads this is quite aware of this fact) I really DON'T have much in the way of cleavage. But yesterday, I was wearing a top that was (admittedly) a little low-cut, and if you were standing above me (which most of the people I talked to during the day were doing) it would have looked like I was trying my best to show off what little goods I have. Awesome.

Which brought me to the realization that all those extra smiles I was getting? Yeah, they all came from men. And one lesbian.

*Sigh* Another outfit to add to the list of things I really shouldn't wear to work.

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