Thursday, September 6, 2007

Life is a highway

Tomorrow, I'm driving to Rhode Island. From New Hampshire. By myself. In a minivan that sometimes makes funky noises. Yay!

I don't mind telling you that I am not the greatest driver in the world. I mean, I tend to stay out of accidents for the most part (knock on wood), but driving kinda scares the crap out of me. Especially highway driving. And guess what I'm going to be spending almost 3 hours doing tomorrow? Yup, you guessed it: highway driving. If only I was the only one on the road, I would be a pro. Alas, I'm not, and most of the trip will take place in Massachussets, which is notorious for its (and I'm truly sorry to have to say this, all you people from Mass.) bad drivers.

So, wish me luck. Hopefully the faithful soccer-mom van will make it in one piece, and I'll spend a stress-free, rejuvenating weekend in a state that I don't actually like all that much.

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