Tuesday, September 11, 2007


6 years ago today, I was on maternity leave.

Princess-pants had been born two weeks earlier, and I was the happiest new mom in the world... enjoying every little noise, every tiny movement she made. I was also oblivious to anything going on in the outside world, because when you're a new parent, that child IS your world.

So when my then-husband, an on-air personality for a local radio station, came home mid-morning on September 11, 2001 and told me to turn on the tv, I had no idea what the commotion was all about. We sat there, in the bed I hadn't bothered to get out of yet, for HOURS, watching the news broadcasts, and the whole time I remember feeling slightly panicked, thinking to myself, "I just brought a child into this world."

It was a scary thought. But at the same time? Maybe the kids being born right now are the ones who are going to make everything better... you never know.

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