I have decided to renew my on-again, off-again relationship with you. I'm quite the fair-weather friend, in case you haven't noticed, and I really only update you when something good/big is happening in my life and I feel the need to share it with the whole world (ie. the one or two people who might actually read this at some point).
Now, in the last 9 months or so since we last spoke, things have changed a bit. For one, I'm married now. (No, Bloggy, don't feel guilty about not showing up for the celebration. First of all, it was fairly small, and secondly, *I* wasn't even there for most of it. You see, my lovely younger sister decided that my wedding day would be the PERFECT opportunity to give birth to the baby that still had another 3 1/2 weeks of marinating to do. So, instead of drinking it up with my brand-new husband, I ended up dropping everything to run off to the hospital to help welcome my very first nephew into the world. Hey, at least middle sis will never forget my anniversary).
Wow, Blog. That was a very long aside. This is why I should be keeping you up-to-date on what I'm up to. That way, I wouldn't need to fill my posts with parentheses that could have been their own entries. Aaaaanyway, I digress.
Somehow, in the last 9 months, my children have become involved in some after school activity almost every night of the week, and have busier lives than I do, which means that most weekday nights, I'm carting them all over creation so they can take part in basketball/gymnastics/girl scouts. And baseball is right around the corner. Blogster, it's gotten to the point where I DREAM of snowstorms that will close down whatever venue where said after-school activities are being held, but no such luck. We have had almost no snow. Two winters ago, we had record breaking snowfall, and this winter? Nothin'. What the heck is up with THAT?
What else, Blog-eriffic? Oh, yes. My cousin and my youngest sister are now also pregnant with little boy people, and are due in late March and late May respectively. I'm going to be an auntie times 2, and a... first cousin once removed? Something akin to that anyway. I'm not so great at figuring that kind of thing out. I could Google it, but eh. I'm too lazy.
So, Blog-my-friend, I've come to the reason for my renewed interest in you (oh, stop making me feel guilty. I haven't heard much from YOU lately either you know). The (still new, but not BRAND new any more) hubby and I have put an offer on a house, had it accepted, and are now just waiting to hear back from the bank. A HOUSE, Bloggy! Like real, actual adult people! With a huge half-acre backyard in downtown, and 2000 square feet and everything. The only downside, (and this is a fairly ginormous downside) is that this lovely house isn't actually SO lovely. It's actually kind of icky. Let me show you:
And also,
And oh yes, let's not forget my very favorite room in the entire house:
So basically, dear Blog, if we get this house, we're going to be extremely busy for a very, very long time. The good news is, I figure if we can renovate a house during our first year of marriage, and still love each other, then this union just might work out.
Thanks for not giving up on me Bloggy.
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