Friday, May 15, 2009

Day off? What's that?

So I haven't made soap yet. Those of you who know me well probably aren't too surprised by this. My life tends to be beyond busy, ESPECIALLY in the nice weather. And with last week being Mother's Day/my birthday, there was even more to do.

Also, I've decided that the yard is a higher priority. Seriously, I'll show you... if I can figure out how to post pictures again (it's been awhile since I've tried).

Here's the thing: I keep driving by houses of everyone else in the neighborhood (ok, ok, trailer park... you say tomato, I say to-mah-toe), and I'm having lawn envy. I want flowers. I want pretty green plants. I want cedar chips and some pretty little planter thingy. And I want it now. (Also, I'd really like it if Bill mowed the lawn). Sadly, I'm not one of those people who sits around planning something for weeks before I actually start working on it. No, last night I was sitting on the couch watching (what else) HGTV, and I thought, "Hey! I have the day off tomorrow! I'm gonna fix the yard!" And while I know I'm not going to perform any miracles, I think I might have a few ideas.

Wish me luck!

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