Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sniff sniff

You know how sometimes a smell can hit you with a memory so strong that you actually have to stop what you're doing because you've kind of forgotten everything else for a moment? That happened tonight.

It was a towel, and I had just taken it out of the dryer, but for some reason it had a slightly different scent than the rest of the clean towels; it smelled like L's laundry. And that's really weird, because L hasn't lived here in over a year. L's laundry always smelled a little bit metallic, I think. This will sound weird, but if you go to a clothing store and end up carrying around a bunch of hangers, sniff your hand afterwards (although try to do it when no one is looking, because you don't want people wondering about you)... that's the smell that L's laundry used to have. And I loved it. I don't know why exactly, I just did. (Yes, I KNOW I'm weird.)

Getting that little whiff of the towel sent me tailspinning into about 15 different memories all at once, and I'll admit that for about 5 seconds I couldn't move. After that, I was ok, but sheeeeesh.

Maybe it's time for new towels.

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