Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh. My. Word.

I took the little man for his Kindergarten screening this morning, and it hit me like a ton of bricks that, holy crap, I'm about to have TWO children in school. And yeah, I was young(ish) when they were born, but dang I feel old.

Before we left, we spent a whole going over the letters of the alphabet (he got about 20 of them right) and the numbers 1-10 (ALL of them... woot woot), and when we got to the school, I had a little taste of what sending on the school bus in the fall might be like; the screener led my little guy away and he didn't even look back once. The school secretary (who doesn't seem to have aged a day since *I* was in elementary school) looked at me and said, "You can't have two kids in school!" And I told her, truthfully, "I'm SO not ready for this." *Sigh*

When the testing was over, the little man came up to me, full of chatter about the questions he'd been asked. He said, "I got every single one right! They only asked me the easy letters!"

I love him.

And come late August/early September, when he steps out of pre-school-hood, and into big-boy-in-school-ville, I'm totally going to be bawling my eyes out.

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