Monday, October 15, 2007

Have a good day

My best friend Brian and I have come to a scary conclusion: When he's happy and lucky in love, I am not. And when I'm having a great day, he tends to be having a horrible one.

This can change on a day-to-day basis, but it's a fairly reliable system. For instance, Saturday, I was feeling down-in-the-dumps, and spent most of the day feeling sorry for myself. But Brian? He was on cloud 9, enjoying family time and just having a lovely day. Sunday, though, the tables turned, and while I had a great time with the kids, Brian was depressed.

So this morning, we talked on our way to work and school, and our conversation ended like this:

Brian: Well, I'm almost as school so I'm gonna go call M at work...
Me: Ok... good luck.
Brian: Yeah. Thanks. Have a good day.
Me: You too.
Brian: (with a not-so-happy sounding laugh) Ok. And if I start having a better day, I'll call to make sure you're ok.

Oy. One of these days, we're BOTH going to be happy. At the same time! For now though, maybe it needs to be this way so the cheerful person can cheer the sad one up.

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