Wednesday, October 10, 2007

If I only had a sewing machine

What the little man said to me this morning:

"You're the best mommy in the whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole whole world."

And the thing is? He was being completely sincere. My kid honestly thinks I'm the best mother he could possibly have. And that, my friends, is called success.

P.S. Halloween is coming. Which means I need to get some costumes together really soon. Gav is easy... he's already got all the components for his costume, because of course, he will once again be a firefighter for Halloween. (I don't know what would happen if I ever were to try to get him to dress up as something else... a mutiny, probably). And the princess has decided she wants to be Tinkerbell. I suppose I could buy a costume at Wal-Mart that every other 6 year old in our neighborhood will be wearing as well (and to be honest, that's probably what I WILL do, because I lack the creativity gene), but man I wish I could find (or better yet, MAKE) a cool fairy costume. Then again, that would require time. And artistic ability. Of whichI have NONE.

Ah well... Wal-Mart, here we come.

Wait. Did I just totally prove that I'm not actually the best mommy in the whole world? Oopsies.

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