Saturday, February 25, 2012

Grocery shopping for dummies (for example, me)

My sister is one of those extreme couponer types.  Seriously.  She clips those suckers, peruses the weekly grocery circulars, and saves like a madwoman.  I wouldn't say she's at TLC show status just yet, but give her time.

I, unfortunately, did not get this gene.  Even MORE unfortunate is the fact that my husband didn't either.  If you show my beloved two items that are exactly the same in every way except price, he will instinctively choose the more expensive thing.  Always.

So when the two of us went grocery shopping today with the goal of spending as little as possible (while still buying healthy-ish things), we didn't exactly rock it.  I counted up what we were spending in my head, and came within a few dollars at the actual check-out, but other than that, we didn't have any rules in mind.  Still, I think we did a pretty good job. 

Money spent: $61.10 (cash!)

Which means I have $14 left for the week.  Which means that when Natalie and I go out for drinks on Thursday, it's going to be more like going out for drink.  ;)  But that's ok.

In the meantime, it may be time to go take a few couponing lessons from my financially intelligent sister.   

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