Monday, March 3, 2008

Duck, duck, goose.

Yesterday, a good-looking guy around my age, who I've never met before in my life, threw a stuffed duck at me. When it landed at my feet, it went, "quack, quack." Then he giggled. Like, actually giggled. For a while. (I should probably take a second to tell you that I was in a toy store at the time).

To be honest with you, I'm not sure what that whole exchange was about, but I thought it deserved mention for three reasons:

1. I don't get flirted with by strangers that often.
2. When I do, they don't generally throw stuff at me. At least, not since I was 16 or so.
3. Although cute, that guy was probably slightly insane, which just goes to show... it's REALLY hard to meet normal, non-crazy men.

And when I DO meet non-crazy men, they have the tendency to confuse the heck out of me. Maybe I should stick to the cuckoo ones...

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