Thursday, March 27, 2008

It sucks.

I think I'm in love.

Like, head-over-heels, no-doubt-about-it, shout-it-to-the-heavens in love.

With my vacuum cleaner.

While I was in Florida, I was lamenting the fact that my cheapo Wal-Mart vacuum cleaner doesn't actually suck anything up, (go figure... you get what you pay for, right?) and hooray, hooray, hooray! Mom and Dad just happened to have two extra vacuum cleaners, and offered me one of them. It's one of those teensy-weensy Eureka bagless jobbys, so not only can I easily vacuum the floor when it's covered in dirt that the kids drag in on their winter boots, but now I can get the little ones to clean up, too. My vacuum is THAT small and portable. Score!

And now that I'm rereading my post, I can't believe I thought that was exciting enough to blog about.

I apologize. Profusely. But it's staying up, because honestly, if it's even possible to be in love with an inanimate object... I totally am.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Yes, that’s how many inches of snow we’ve had this year. And that, my friends, is a record. Boo-yeah. We totally rock. Can I get a what-what?

And now I’m gonna change the subject so I don’t continue being such a lame-o.

Today at work, a man in his 70’s came to the desk to ask me where the tax forms were, and since I was heading in that direction anyway, I led him to them. As he was leaving, he said to me, "You’re a good girl." For some reason, it reminded me of my Grampie Siegel, and as I was driving home from work I got that chokey feeling that I STILL have once in awhile, even though he’s been gone for a year. And while that feeling totally sucks, it makes me smile just a little bit. Because I was lucky enough to have this amazing person in my life for almost 27 whole years. I have this completely awesome family, and some people just don’t. I have friends who don’t talk to/spend time with their immediate family, let alone the extended relatives.

(Sorry... sometimes when I get down about things, it helps to remind myself how very blessed I really am. And today, you people were the lucky recipients of my reminder. So, thanks for listening).

Monday, March 3, 2008

Duck, duck, goose.

Yesterday, a good-looking guy around my age, who I've never met before in my life, threw a stuffed duck at me. When it landed at my feet, it went, "quack, quack." Then he giggled. Like, actually giggled. For a while. (I should probably take a second to tell you that I was in a toy store at the time).

To be honest with you, I'm not sure what that whole exchange was about, but I thought it deserved mention for three reasons:

1. I don't get flirted with by strangers that often.
2. When I do, they don't generally throw stuff at me. At least, not since I was 16 or so.
3. Although cute, that guy was probably slightly insane, which just goes to show... it's REALLY hard to meet normal, non-crazy men.

And when I DO meet non-crazy men, they have the tendency to confuse the heck out of me. Maybe I should stick to the cuckoo ones...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Say it ain't snow

So my view out my living room window is now officially blocked by snow.


I swear, if I didn't have sisters, friends and potential boyfriends tying me down here, I'd SO be buying my grandparents' old Florida home, and moving in IMMEDIATELY.


Hurry up, vacation.