Holy Guacamole, obviously I am totally awesome at follow-through. This blog doesn't rock so much, does it? At the very least, I figured I could update my last post, and let you (and by you, I am referring to my future self, because I'm pretty sure no one has seen this blog in years, and I'm the only one who ever reads it, if only to remind myself of things that happened in the past) know that we are now actually living in that house featured in the last post. The good news: It is no longer hideous. In fact, it's kind of WickedAwesome, thanks to my former-builder husband, who did almost everything himself (all while starting a brand-new engineering job). We're not even close to done-done, but I don't mind living with the things that still need finishing (ie. window and door trim on the first floor). The house does have a somewhat unfinished look about it, but it's ours, and I adore it. Also, we have a great big backyard that I still have to figure out how to adorn, and lots of future projects planned. My father-in-law keeps telling me that we'll never be done. I have a feeling he's right.
Now, at some point (and I'm going to take a wild guess here, and tell you (again, you being me) it will be months, if not years from now) I'm going to post pictures of the befores and afters. For now, I'll just tell you there are some HUGE changes. Like, we gutted this place down to the studs. And like, we knocked down every single interior wall in the downstairs so that we could have an awesome open living area. And like, there are bathrooms that don't make me want to shudder when I step into them.
My house makes me happy. And I have a feeling it will continue to do so for a long, long time.