Saturday, May 31, 2008

(Too?) young at heart.

So my thirteen year-old niece is here for two months. The rest of the year, she lives in North Dakota with her mom, but for 8 lovely weeks, WE get her all to ourselves. And the good news is, she's fairly awesome, as far as teens go. I've been told (and know, from personal experience) that teen girls are generally pretty horrendous, but S is nothing of the kind. At least not when I'm around... ;)

Anyway, yesterday I drove to Shea's house so we could do some girl bonding. (That would be pizza and Game Cube, naturally.) And when I got there, I realized something. My niece and I were both wearing outfits from Aeropostale (which, for the record, wasn't even founded until I was 7 years old). The only differences were that my shorts were shorter, and I was wearing a tank top while she was wearing a t-shirt. Hmmm.

Just so you know, in my professional life, I dress completely appropriately. Or, at least pretty darn close to my age. But when I have a day off... apparently I dress like a teenager. According to my sister, sometimes that comes across as a little hoochie-mama-ish.

And guess what? I have no plans to change that any time soon. So there.

P.S. Today I signed up for NaBloPoMo's June theme, which is Home. I'm supposed to blog every day again... so let's see if I did better than I did in November.